
因从抽检中发现呈李斯特菌阳性,今有关部门在召回如下蔬菜,尤其若你是从沃尔玛(Walmart),艾伯森(Safeway/Albertson)或商人乔(Trader Joe’s)购买的。

沃尔玛:西兰花;白花椰菜;花椰菜沙拉;菜花;花椰菜;超级混合蔬菜拼盘。(Walmart store brand: Broccoli Florets; Broccoli Cauliflower Florets; Broccoli Slaw; Stir Fry Medley; Cauliflower Florets; Cauliflower; Super Blend and Vegetable Medley.)

商人乔: 甘蓝混合沙拉。(Kohlrabi Salad Blend)

阿尔迪:小沙拉西兰花和花椰菜沙拉。(Aldi store brand Little Salad Bar Broccoli Florets and Broccoli Slaw.)

艾伯森:签名农场产品,肉和奶酪托盘;花椰菜;花椰菜沙拉;炒西兰花;西兰花;牧场浸素食;蔬菜拼盘和蔬菜和鹰嘴豆泥盘。(Safeway and Albertson’s store brand, Signature Farms, Meat & Cheese Tray; Broccoli Cauliflower Florets; Broccoli Slaw; Broccoli Stir Fry; Broccoli Florets; Veggie Tray with Ranch Dip; Vegetable Medley; and Veggie & Hummus Tray.)

H-E-B:西兰花;胡萝卜;花椰菜;青花菜;花椰菜沙拉;剃布鲁塞尔豆芽沙拉;素食抛盒;caulibit蘑菇汁;caulibits切碎的花椰菜;嘉年华沙拉沙拉;半成品蔬菜。(H-E-B store brand Broccoli Carrots; Broccoli Cauliflower; Broccoli Florets; Broccoli Slaw; Shaved Brussels Sprouts Salad; Veggie Toss Kit; Caulibit Mushroom Sauce; Caulibits Chopped Cauliflower; Cauliflower Florets; Fiesta Salad; Power Slaw; Stir Fry Medley; and Vegetable Medley.)

阿彻农场:西兰花;花菜;花椰菜沙拉;花椰菜;布鲁塞尔菜。(Archer Farms Broccoli Florets; Broccoli Cauliflower Florets; Broccoli Slaw; Broccoli Medley; Cauliflower Florets; Brussels Sprouts; and Shaved Brussels Sprouts.)

跨谷农场餐厅服务包刮布鲁塞尔芽甘蓝;花椰菜;螺旋切大头菜;和超级色拉。(Cross Valley Farms restaurant food service bags of Shaved Brussels Sprouts; Cauliflower Florets; Spiral Cut Kohlrabi; and Superfood Slaw.)

西斯科自然餐厅:袋装西兰花,卷心菜。(Sysco Natural restaurant food service bags of Broccoli Cole Slaw.)


(圣地亚哥华文网 美国华文网 华文风采编发 San Diego Chinese Press, US Chinese Press)